Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Not the hero I was looking for.

I like to think I have at least a basic understanding of how politics work. I know that a healthy government tiptoes a very fine line to balance the needs of a diverse electorate, from the conservatives right through to the liberals. You could say that the current Australian government faces even more of a challenge, given that they are a minority government.

Personally, however, I do not think this precludes a governmental obligation to be socially progressive. To hold up higher ideals that protect minorities and that identify social injustices. Sometimes governments fail to do so (the current QLD State Government being a fine example – but that’s a story for another time), and it is, for all of us, a great shame that they do.

I remember being elated when I discovered that Julia Gillard had been appointed Prime Minister of Australia. It appeared that we now had a fresh Labor – one that would need the support of the Greens and the Independents to operate, our fearless leader – an unmarried, atheist woman.

Groundbreaking! I cheered.

Here was an opportunity for our country to embrace change for the better. Make some moves in the right direction.

Today it was announced the Julia Gillard would be the keynote speaker at the ACL annual conference. The Australian Christian Lobby. I won’t even touch upon the irony of an atheist leader delivering the keynote address at a Christian conference. Instead let’s focus on the track record of these bible - bashing loons.

Much like when you realise, awkwardly, that a childhood hero didn’t live up to the ideals you held so dear, I now realise that Julia Gillard is not the champion I had hoped for. Her impotent government, struggling to maintain traction, seeks the approval of a group of regressive, loud - mouthed religious extremists.

I’m sorry Julia, but I have to break up with you. Say hi to Jim and co. from the ACL for me. 

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